
SBE L5-L6 Grammar

duration: 4 weeks
price: free

About this Course

L5-This course focuses on basic English grammar skills for intermediate English learners. Topics covered include present perfect, present perfect progressive, and adverb clauses. L6-This course focuses on basic English grammar skills for intermediate English learners. Topics covered include the identification of adjective clauses and the production of the past perfect and past perfect progressive.

For the course syllabus, student forms, and policies, please refer to Student Resources on the TLC website.

Learning modules

  • Week 1
    • Homework 1/4 - (Lv 5) (page 247) Exercise 32 - Write the sentences with the superlative forms. (Lv 6)

    • Homework 1/4 - (Level 6) Verb + Infinitive Practice - Exercise 9 (page 346-347) Questions 8-13

    • Classwork 1/4 - (Lv 5 )Go over a list of adjectives and write the comparative forms of the adjectives (pg. 237) -(Lv 6) Identify Gerunds in a sentences(pg. 343) (Verb + Gerund) (pg. 344) (Go + ing)

    • Classwork 1/5 - (Lv 5) Review adverbs - Go over some adverbs for comparative and superlative form - Write their own sentences with pictures or the adjective/adverb given

    • Classwork 1/5 - (Lv 6) Student will continue to practice writing with Infinitives - The student will practice identifying gerunds and infinitives in sentences

    • Quiz 1/9 (Level 5) - Produce Comparative and Superlative

    • Quiz 1/9 (Level 6) - Identify Gerunds and Infinitives

  • Week 2
    • Classwork 1/9 - (Level 5) - Present Perfect Intro - (page 81-84) - (Level 6) - Past Perfect (page108) + worksheet - Introduce Past Perfect

    • Homework 1/9 - (Level 5) (page 82) - Exercise 2 - Questions 1-10 (Level 6) (page 109) - Exercise 42 - Questions 3-7

    • Classwork 1/10 - (level 5) Practice producing present perfect sentences - (level 6) Practice producing past perfect sentences

    • Classwork 1/11 - (Level 5) Practice producing present perfect progressive - (Level 6) Practice producing past perfect progressive

    • Quiz 1/12 (Level 5) - Present Perfect and Present Perfect Progressive

    • Quiz 1/12 (Level 6) - Past Perfect and Past Perfect Progressive

  • Week 3
    • Classwork 1/17 -(Lv. 5) Adverb Clauses - Cause and Effect and Contrast - Student will practice identifying and creating their own cause and effect sentences (Lv. 6) - Passive Voice - Student will practice changing the verb in active to passive

    • Homework 1/17 - (Lv. 5) Student will try creating their own sentences with cause and effect and contrast words - (Lv. 6) - Practice changing the verb for each tense in given sentences

    • Classwork 1/18 - (Lv. 5) Try to create their own Adverb Clauses with Cause and Effect and Contrast - (Lv. 6) - Practice changing sentences from active to passive voice.

    • Quiz 1/19 - Level 5 - Identify Adverb Clauses

    • Quiz 1/19 - Level 6 - Produce Passive Voice Sentences

    • Classwork 1/19 - (Lv.5) - Identify Active vs Passive Voice - (Lv. 6) - Identify Adjective Clauses

  • Week 4
    • Classwork 1/23 - (Lv 5) Practice identifying active and passive - (Lv 6) Practice identifying adjective clauses

    • Homework 1/23 - Complete study guide

    • Classwork 1/24 - Review for Finals - Go over study guide - check answers

    • Snow day Classwork 1/25 - Review for finals! (Check your email!!!) + When you complete the classwork, it also counts for attendance

    • Final Exam 1/26 - Level 5

    • Final Exam 1/26 - Level 6

About the Instructor


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